Document Type : research article


1 Assistant Professor in Persian Language and Literature, University of Zabol, Zabol, Iran

2 Assistant Professor in Arabic Language and Literature, University of Zabol, Zabol, Iran


Human personality is composed of three parts: id, ego, and superego. The relationship between these three parts creates the individual’s complex behaviors. The concept of “ego” represents a specific pattern of behavior and how one adapts and interacts with the environment. Sometimes, the “ego” suffers from a narcissistic personality disorder, resulting in the excessive increase of the person's attention and interest in himself. Therefore, he sees himself as a superior being and intensively focuses on his value in the eyes of others to the extent that this excessive narcissism leaves no room for loving others. Abu Firas al-Hamdani and Afzal al-Din Khaqani are two prominent Arab and Iranian poets whose poetry reveals manifestations of the narcissism phenomenon. This study aimed to explain the essential psychological features related to narcissism in the poetry of Abu Firas and Khaqani by relying on the descriptive-analytical method and referring to Christopher Lasch's model. According to Christopher Lasch's behavioral psychology, the standard features of narcissism in the poetry of Abu Firas and Khaqani are superiority complex (megalomania), devaluation of others, illusions of omnipotence, alienation from others, and complaint. Accordingly, these two poets present an exaggerated self-image in their poetry, ignore the values of others, and are very sensitive to criticism or failure. Abu Firas and Khaqani rarely communicate with others, and their communication is in line with meeting their personal needs. They consider themselves supermen who can do everything and attribute the positive events around them to themselves. These two poets are alienated from others, so they constantly complain about the people, the life, and the situation around them.


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