Document Type : research article



Extended Abstract
1- Introduction
The government which was empowered after Ayubians in Egypt and Levant was called Mamloukians approximately 656 AH (Anno Hegirae). Mamloukians were originally those slaves who were captured in wars by Ayubians. Inasmuch as they had physical strengths and were great warriors, Ayubians could take the advantage of them in army and military affairs. After a while, Mamloukians seized power and Ayubian`s government gradually dropped out of sight. Then they established a government called Mamlouki. Although their language was Turkish, there wasn`t any desire and tendency to poem and poetry. Hence, poetry in that era were recessed and weakened. Poets, unlike previous periods, inevitably were made to do various jobs and professions to make ends meet. Therefore, each of them was known by the job that holds such as Kahal, Jazar, Varragh, Dahan, Hamami, etc. Not only unsupportive Mamloukians made their lives misery, but also Mamloukians` successive wars with Mangols, who had greedy eyes on Egypt and Levant, and also Crusaders who were looking to reclaim the land of Bayt al-Maqdis, had made people’s lives specially poets in poverty and left them destitute.
Since social situations were appalling and intolerable, Poets started creating the image of themselves and people`s pain and suffering. The other factor that poets were agonized was ruler`s, brokers` and governors` corruption, judges` bribery, worldliness of jurists, stinginess of the new rich (called upstarts). Those who had made the aspects of the society dark and hideous. Thus, poets complained about bribery, corruption and deviation of authorities that more than ever, thrived type of blame and complaint poetry. Consequently, they turned out to be two of the most noteworthy poetry techniques.
2- Theoretical Framework
As aforementioned, the most prominent subjects that comprise blame and complaint poetry in Mamlouki`s era are: poverty, indigence, cruelty, rulers` corruption, brokers` corruption, injustice, judges` bribery , impiety of scholars and jurists, the negligence of the rich to the poor community. Both their poems expressed on solving social problems, making depressed and grief-stricken people smile, and also make poets hidden from rulers` wrath and anger. They mingled the poems with humorous and satirical elements. Ultimately, a type of poetry was created which had complaint and comedy features that nowadays is called Black Comedy.
Direct description of personal traits: Whereas poets made political and social issue as central factor in Mamlouki`s era, their poems totally laced with political and social nature. It can be said that this feature is exclusively for Mamlouki poems and it has been unprecedented in previous periods. The most significant questions in this research are: 1- What is the most important structural and conceptual feature of blame and complaint poem? 2-What are the most prominent political and social issues that had impacts on blame and complaint poetry techniques? 3-What are the most important themes of blame and complaint poetry in Mamlouki`s era?
Indirect Description: The main hypothesis in this research is that the complaint poem affected by political and social situations, entered new level of existence and obtained social and political function while it used to be for personal intentions. Subsequently can be stated that generally Mamlouki poetry and specifically blame and complaint poem are appropriate source for studying the political and social situation of Mamlouki`s era.
3- Method
Research method is descriptive-analytic based on poets` Diwans (Poetical Wokrs) in Mamlouki`s era.
4- Conclusion
Key results of this research are: 1-Successive wars and natural disasters such as diseases, earthquakes and droughts had made the people`s lives tightened. 2- Based on the impacts of overwhelming and appalling situation of those days, the majority of poets and people had lived in poverty and deprivation that led to have unbearable jobs in contrast with Abassid`s era that they were in great comfort and contentment. 3- Since the poets illustrate the truth of social and political aspect such as: poverty, war, natural disasters, governors` corruption, brokers` and judges` bribery in poetry format, their poems laced with political and social nature. 4- Poets of blame and complaint poetry made their verses with satirical elements and can be considered as one of the most vitally technical and structural feature of blame and complaint poetry in Mamlouki`s era. 5- On the account of blame and complaint poetry technique in Mamlouki`s era, political and social events were illustrated. It is a proper source to be accustomed to state and condition of Mamlouki`s era.


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