Document Type : research article


Alzahra University


Extended Abstract
1- Introduction
The emphasis is one of the important subjects which have a serious effect in speech`s eloquence. The speech will be effective when it is proportional with situation of the addressee. The addressee has sometime empty mind, sometime is uncertain, and sometime is denying. The eloquent should give a lecture effectively and the translator should translate the lecture without decrease these effects as he can. So that the true reflection of emphasis methods is very important in translation, and addressee`s effect is changed, if it is no equivalents of emphasis methods in basis and destination languages and this is a challenge that the translator faces in the translation process.
2- Theoretical Framework
In every language, there are several ways in which the speaker or the author emphasizes the concept. These emphasis on grammar and rhetoric has been introduced. Therefore, in the present study, the emphasis of the two languages in the context of the contrastive linguistics has been studied in order to investigate the equivalence of the two Arabic and Persian languages. A corroborative response is a strand of contrastive linguistics that examines the differences and similarities of two or more languages at a moment's point. contrastive linguistics can be closely linked to translation, since language similarities and differences in transliteration are obvious. In the translation process, the interpreter occasionally finds similarities and differences between the source language and the destination, which was not known to him before translation. Therefore, this research has been conducted in the circle of grammar, rhetoric, contrastive linguistics, and translation.
3- Method
This descriptive-analytic study has considered the emphasis of the two languages of Arabic and Persian. Highlighting their similarities, and considering the non-multiplicity of emphasizing constraints in Farsi, this study provides some solutions for replacing the multiple emphases Arabic, in Persian.
4- Results and Discussion
In both Arabic and Persian, the emphasis is on a wide range of subjects, but adapting and reversing these emphases is not necessarily possible in all cases. Similar emphasis in Arabic and Persian languages simply emphasizes the equilibrium by translating from Arabic to Persian and vice versa, and replacing the emphasis text of each of these two languages rather than the emphasis of another language. Translators try to put the variate Arabic emphasis methods in destination language by emphasis Persian adverbs, while with the variety of emphasis in Persian, they can equalize the emphasis in the source and destination text, as far as possible, with innovation.
5- Conclusion
The emphasis in both Farsi and Arabic is very much appreciated and the emphasis in the Persian language is limited to the emphasis that the majority of translators cite, and in Persian, as in Arabic, each verbal unit can emphasize. The Arabic-Persian syntaxes make it possible to translate Arabic emphases into the Persian language itself. Present participle, future verb, subject in the form of the pronoun, indefinite subject, Swear, etc. are used in both languages to express the emphasis. When the Arabic sentence has several emphasis, the translator can reflect the emphasis purport of Arabic speech with innovation by using signs, synonyms, etc which are the emphasis tools in Farsi.


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فهرست مقالات
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