Document Type : research article


Razi University


Extended Abstract
1- Introduction
An examination of the literature of every era requires familiarization with the conditions and circumstances of the societies in which literary and poetry lived. Given the political, geographic and religious situation of Iran and Egypt, the two countries have had a destiny
destiny, and foreigners and Western countries have always been proud of these two countries. Over the course of the past century, as the unprecedented developments in the global arena began to take place, the intelligentsia of these societies sought to criticize the political situation in these countries and the social conditions of the people and They chose the field of literature as their gateway and showed anger result suppression national anger by protesting the situation of society in the form of literature and It was used as a dynamic and influential motive in community activity and, as a result, influenced by political, social, cultural and economic trends.
Among them is Amal Dunqal and Farrokhi Yazdi, whose "protest poetry" was featured in the form of their lyric poems.
Protest poetry
Protest poetry, defiance and rebellion against fuss and grumbling, having this deep sense of consciousness that remains unnecessary and necessary in the continuation of this situation, and with the certainty of the possibility of a change. This kind of poem often expresses suffering and oppression and then protest, anger and rebellion, but to be effective, efforts must be transformative and armed with a revolutionary theory with social content. In this case, he will find himself a popular poem. This poem can help by motivating, mobilizing, creating ethnic and patriotic consciousness, and the general tendency of the general thought to rise to the question of struggle, and consequently, reforming the regime or the victory of the revolution.
2- Theoretical Framework and research questions
Amal Dungal and Farokhi Yazdi are prominent Egyptian and Iranian contemporary poets
Both as committed and committed poets, they put their poems in the service of expressing the suffering of the people of their community. They used the same themes to protest themselves against the political and social situation, such as protesting the lack of freedom, criticizing the lack of protection of rulers, inviting insurrection, and the fight against tyranny.
This article seeks to answer these questions: 1. What is the reflection of the social and political situation in the poetry of the two poets? 2. What is the phenomenon of defeat in its poetry? 3. What topics and concepts do people use to awaken people?
Importance and necessity of research
Since this research is in the field of comparative literature, it leads to audience acquaintance with the thoughts and other literatures of nations and The beauty of the various literatures of different societies is manifested. Familiarity with contemporary literature and comparative
research is the necessity of such an inquiry.
3- Method
In this article, we have tried to investigate the existing commonalities and the method of reaction of two prominent poets in the field of "protest poetry" through the descriptive-analytical method
4- Conclusion
1. Amal Dunqal and Farrokhi Yazdi, both of which do not regard all problems of the society solely by the ruling system, but by the critical analysis of social conditions, believe that people also contribute to the creation of these problems; therefore, instead of their poems and Different faces point to this issue.
2. Both poets have used various aspects of rhetoric to express issues, which has been affecting the reader more than before.
3. The poetry of the two poets in the field of political and social issues is very abundant And at the very core of such themes as freedom, calling for people to freedom, protesting ignorance and neglect of the people and their silence, criticizing the lack of opportunity of rulers of the time, oppression, invoking the uprising and fighting autocracy, ... takes up.
4. Love in the homeland in the poems of the world has become the color of wrath and wrath, while Frokhi honors his past life and loves the mythical characters of Iran as a symbol in his homeland poetry.
5. In his poems, Amal Danzah refers to the looting and looting of the national wealth of the country by the colonialists and the indigenous peoples. Farrokhi's goal was to oppose the United Kingdom and to expel this colonial state from the country, and in the second phase, to overthrow the governments of the United Kingdom in Iran.
6. Both poets, as well-known and fighting poets, always considered rulers of time and their agents responsible for the misery and backwardness of their countries.


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