Document Type : research article


1 Professor in Arabic Language and Literature, Shahid Beheshti University, Tehran, Iran.

2 PhD Candidate in Arabic Language and Literature, Shahid Beheshti University, Tehran, Iran



The prominent Arabic literature critic of the 4th century AH, Ibn Tabataba al-Alawi, had a distinctive way of critiquing Arabic literature in his work "Ayar Ol-She’r." Unlike his contemporaries and predecessors, he focused on poetry as an artistic industry, emphasizing the structure and order of poetry. Through his statements, he highlighted the subtle distinctions between various literary forms such as verse, prose, and poetry. Some scholars view old Arabic criticism as form-oriented. This analysis aims to explore Ibn Tabataba's critical views within the framework of Russian formalism to determine if he can be considered a formalist critic. The research examines how Ibn Tabataba's opinions align with formalist principles and whether they support the idea that ancient Arabic literary criticism is formalistic. The study concludes that Ibn Tabataba's critical approach aligns with formalism, reinforcing the notion that old Arabic criticism is form-oriented.


Main Subjects

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