Document Type : research article



Extended Abstract
Identify the meaning and semantic connotation is the most important reserchers noteworthy issues. Abd -Al- quhir Al- jurjani is among reserchers who was attended to this subject. He exhibite the meaning of meaning theory pending on pitching the compilers purpose in knowing the texts meaning. This theory is the reson for distiniction between slang and poetic language and added a second meaning to the didactic text. In resent decads structuralism and decanstructisms make the new methods replace text comprehention with reversalling this theoy. structuralism know enough text in undrstanding the meaning and decanstruct surrender undrstanding the meaning to the reader and introduce the multiplicity study or writer death.
2-Theorycal framwork
Each reserch has a reserchical structer aod theorical frame that is reserched duration it and after serching the key and formal words the resualt get earn. It can be said that ablo to gething signficance from the text ,have the specific position in didactic reserchs and language studie Arabs resercher have done extended reserchs about meaning of meaning theory and have added wew appinions to it. Western reserchers made basics changes in significance and introduction of two structuralism and decanstructisms.
Presen reserch has aim to peruse proces of vicissitude meaninig of meaning from the first up to now and three discovering the significance methods existance in text: dominate the writer's porpuose in text (meaning of meaning) structure dominate (structuralism) and significance unpragmatism (Deconstruct). It can be said this topic is because of compartivecar study between this three new theory and hasn't been accomplished as it up to now .In continuance will be exhibit a briefe explanation about upon three methods.
a) Meaning of meaning: in this method the second and unright signficance become deliberate with standing on metaphor, Allegory and metonymy. This metpde has belived that can discover the main porpose and scompe in the text.
b) Structuralism: in this methode significance undrstanding without contemplate historical, social, political and caltural problems contemplate that is dominate on text and writers days.
c) decanstructisms: in this methode writer is a person who undrstand the significance and currect significance is that reader could undrestand it. Decanstruct dont give up any worthy for writer. decanstruct signify the unpragmatism theory with discuss the writer death theory in which each text is contain thousands significance based on writers undrestand.
4-Consequnt and discription the subject
Meaning of meaning is a lable that was invented for the first time by Abd-Al-quhir Al-jurnani ; this theory is pending on gamut pronunciation means metaphor, simile, allegory and metonymy and practice for the levele after the first significance. Roots of this theory exist on the thoughtfuls letters befor Abd-Al-qahir Al-jurjani under the title like "second significance". Current reviewers use other new terminoloy like: single significance and far functions insted of meaning of meaning.
Significance is an esoteric point in text that three upon isms thoughtful's have tried to undrestand it. Meaning of meaning has many diffrences with two structuralism and deconstructuralism as a first significance Try for discovering the meaning in text with two deconstruct and structuralism isms. This theory know the writer and his purpose undrstand significance based in text and has belive to significance twosome in one text ond possibility to discovering clear significance via undrstanding writer's purpose , but structuralism and deconstruct don't give up any prestige for meaning and meaning. Structuralism is based on text way in knowing significance and deconstruct is stand on writer realization for discovering text signiffance and know the writer death theory and unpragmatism significanc as index for undrstanding available significance in text.
Per this two isms, existance two significance spectrum and create don't have any places in knowing the meaning come from text.


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