Document Type : research article


University of Zabol


this article aims to compare the characterization style of "A Sparrow from the East" and "The Beggar" based on statistical method. Statistical method is a style that Bouzyman has established to recognize and compare methods. Bouzyman assumes the existence of morphological variables which increase or decrease with connotative lines. This theory using statistics attempts to avoid the origins of conjecture, taste and subjective judgments in method identification and recognize the methodological features such as dynamism, emotionalism, passivity, rationality, etc, in order to achieve a reasonable analysis. This research aims to analyze the morphological variables of the two works and their statistical data, and to draw tables that can help us to express the typical signs of the different styles of the authors in the scientific or literary atmosphere of the works. It also attempts to specify the level of dynamism, emotionalism, passivity and rationality of the two novels. The results of the study demonstrates that the characterization method of the two writers are quite different and that whenever writers take advantage of dynamism, emotions and dialogue in their method their value( R V A) has increased and when they have receded, it has been decreased.


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