Document Type : research article


1 Associate Professor in Arabic Language and Literature, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Mashhad, Iran

2 PhD Candidate in Arabic Language and Literature Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Mashhad, Iran


Khalil Havi is the renowned Lebanese poet who is famous as the contemporary philosophical poet in the Arab world for his profound poetry and their philosophical meanings. In addition to the philosophical aspect which differentiates him from other contemporaneous poets, it is in the realm of language and the form of poetry where he appears as the outstanding figure. Havi’s “Lazarus 1962” is one of his best odes whose form, being in a deep correlation with its meaning, has been manifested in an admiring way. Due to great focus of most literary researches of Havi on content and meaning, it is needed to do a text-based research. In this article, applying a Formalistic and textual approach, the writers endeavor to investigate the literariness or in a sense the literary aspects of Lazarus ode, one of the most beautiful poetic artifice of Havi and also aim to clarify the miracle of Havi’s poems to advocates of Arabic poetry through the scope of poetic constructs like resurrection of the word and defamiliarization and explaining the importance of these two elements in transmission of meaning.                                                                                                                                In the light of the finding of the present study, it can be said that Khalil Havi could utilize linguistic structures in favor of meaning in the best way by having innovation in linguistic methods and use of literariness approaches; moreover, he could establish a firm linkage between language and meaning.                                                 



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