Document Type : research article


1 Professor in Arabic Language and Literature, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran

2 PhD in Arabic Language and Literature, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran


Dialogical principle is a theory proposed by Mikhail Bakhtin in the twentieth century. He believed that language has a social feature, and dialogue is one of its prominent features; because the polyphonies in a text will only be achieved through dialogue. Although Bakhtin believed that poetry lacked the Dialogical principle, Abdul Wahab Bayati, from among modernist Arab poets, succeeded to make a Sufi character in his poems and revive dialogue and polyphony in his poems. The questions posed were how this polyphony is going to be shown in the poetry of Abdolvahab Bayati while the Bakhtin’s theory believes in a monologue in the poetry. Secondly, in using the Sufi character, what techniques does he use to bring his words closer to the logic of Sufi speech? The masking technique can turn the text into a conversational and polyphonic text and revive intertextuality. Therefore, it is necessary to examine the aspects of logic of speech from Bakhtin's theory of the dialogical principle. This article is based on Bakhtin's theory of Dialogical principle. It shows through a descriptive-analytical method that Bayati uses such techniques as persuasion, double-voiced and rhetorical propositions (questioning, commanding, and addressing) while reviving different voices and showing that the logic of speech in the technique of persuasion, where the shifting roles (between the speaker and the audience) takes place, or it becomes difficult to identify the instance, is very close to Sufi language and breaks like Sufi’s logic of speech. 

The dialogue logic is a theory proposed by Mikhail Bakhtin in the twentieth century. He believed that language has a social feature and dialogue is one of its prominent features; because the polyphonies in a text will only be achieved through dialogue. Although Bakhtin believed that poetry lacked the logic of dialogue, Abdul Wahab Bayati, from among modernist Arab poets, succeeded to invites a Sufi character in his poems and revives dialogue and polyphony in his poems. Now the research question is that how this polyphony is to be shown in the poetry of Abdolvahab Bayati while the Bakhtin theory believes in monologue in the poetry? Secondly, in using Sufi character, what techniques does he use to bring his words closer to the logic of Sufi speech? The mask technique has the capacity to turn the text into a conversational and polyphonic text and to revive intertextuality in text. Therefore, it is necessary to examine the aspects of speech logic from Bakhtin's theory of dialogue logic. This article is based on Bakhtin's theory of dialogue logic and shows it in a descriptive-analytical that Bayati uses the technique of persuasion and techniques such as double-voiced' rhetorical propositions (question, command and call), while reviving different voices and showing that the logic of speech in the technique of persuasion, where the shifting of the roles (between the speaker and the audience) takes place or it becomes difficult to identify the instance, is very close to Sufi language and breaks like Sufi speech logic


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