Document Type : research article


1 Associate Professor in Arabic Language and Literature, Department of Arabic Language and Literature, Yazd University, Yazd, Iran

2 PhD Candidate in Arabic language and Literature, Yazd University, Yazd, Iran


  Literary discourse is one of the contemporary doctrines of criticism that tries to open a new window for understanding literary texts and reveal the hidden beauties of texts through the analysis of literary words and their effects on arousing the emotions of the audience. One of the most important masterpieces of the Jahili poet, Imru al-Qais, alongside his Hanging Poem (معلقه) is "Ala um Sabah..." (الا عم صباحا ...), which has attracted the attention of many critics since ancient times. This study tried to analyze the effects of the social and temporal factors of the society that the poet lives in, on his discourse. The analysis of linguistic structures of the poem shows that social and cultural factors have consciously or unconsciously influenced the poet's discourse. Moreover, investigating the music of the ode and the syntactic and rhetorical structures shows that the creation of various images in addition to creating literary beauties in the ode have had a great impact on conveying the dominant ideas of the poet and attracting the audience


The Holy Quran
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