Document Type : research article


Islamic Azad University of Abadan


Extended Abstract
1. Introduction
Concepts can be conveyed using body parts; concepts which may bear various emotions and implications. Awareness on the states and thoughts of individuals could be attained through such a language. In the area of literary studies, body language can be investigated technically using linguistics. The application of such a language can be placed under the analysis of ancient literary manuscripts, religious texts, and divine books. Albeit, many people are not familiar with this language technique; in case the scholars of literary sciences and linguistics as well as university professors in the area of literary studies are not sufficiently familiar with principles of such a language, they would remain alien to numerous implications of this language which would then be solely understood as a set of ambiguous signs. By opening the secrets of body language we can show and express our feeling to others without speaking and writing. With body language we can communicate to others as well as speaking.
2. Theoretical Framework
The results obtained in the study include the discovery of concepts such as stinginess, regret, fear, silence, and discomfort in hand language. In addition, rhetorical elements of aesthetics in hand language were found such as the application of metonymy, simile, allegory, and paradox. The language of hand in Quran involves figurative meanings which are pointed out in eight verses in this study. The present inquiry could serve as a proper clue for religious-literary research into body language in Quran.
Mastery of body language skills not only helps discover implications within texts, but also aids teachers and even university professors in understanding the states of their students during the education process. Gaining familiarity with the principles and criteria of such a language is considered as necessary for everyone, given the subject of forming healthy, social relationships. Many disagreements and misunderstandings among members of a family or friends is due to lack of familiarity with language.
3. Method
Resulting from intensive study of research references, the present inquiry was conducted and completed on the subject of hand language with respect to Quranic verses, according to opinions of interpreters as well as the literary devices and rhetoric science in Arabic language and literature.
This study was conducted as a scientific introduction for other subjects related to body language and serves as a clue for other studies of religion. Nonetheless, the present study provides answers to the following questions: Can the principles and criteria of the rhetoric science be adapted to body language? In other words, does body language involve literary devices? Can a set of rhetorical criteria be indicated for such a language? The present study is conducted using the narrative-analytical method.
4. Results and Discussion
The present study could contribute greatly to the understanding of hand language for students and those interested in the subject. If the signs produced using body language cannot be understood by scholars, the implications of literary and religious texts may remain hidden. An awareness on the intrinsic emotions of learners, family members, friends and colleagues can be gained through a complete understanding of body language criteria. However, signs produced by this language could be employed by clinical psychologists for treating their patients in addition to the deciphering of literary text by literature experts. Consequently, body language is a means through which people convey their diverse intentions and gain information on the states and thoughts of others. Body language falls in the area of linguistics and employed in a variety of texts; to understand its implications, it is necessary for its audience to become familiar with language. Should the implications of this language remain unclear, they would continue to be nothing but a set of passive signs for the audience. As a result, the present study was conducted revolving around the holy Quran and a consideration of interpretations and rhetoric sciences so as to serves as an illustrative introduction to understanding the hand language.
5. Conclusion
The study tried to provide answers to questions such as whether rhetorical elements exist in this language similar to spoken language. Conducted using the narrative-analytical method, the results of the present study includes various implications of hand language such as stinginess, regret, fear, silence, discomfort, etc. along with rhetorical elements of hand language such as metonymy, simile, allegory, and paradox. Additionally, figurative meanings used in eight verses were also examined. The study offers useful data on sign language in the holy Quran so as to provide scholars with the understanding of joyful aesthetics through the discovery of its ambiguous signs.


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