Document Type : research article


PhD in Arabic Language and Literature, Lecturer at Gilan University


In recent times we find the employment of music, its techniques, machines, types and functions in the new Arabic novel directly and artistically at multiple levels. It seems impossible or very difficult to employ music in novels because the relationship between them is not explained in the novelistic text, and unlike poetry we do not feel its presence easily. This study takes the novel Al-Masaaer (المصائر) by Rabi al-Madhoun as a sample to study  the feacures of musical narration and its specifications. It used a descriptive-analytical method for this purpose. The study also reviewed the aesthetic features and intentions that the novelist seeks by employing this new narrative system. The result showed that Al-Madhoun consciously has utilized musical narration and paved the way in his novel by using the indicators and techniques of this narrative style. The most important mechanisms of musical narration like the musical framework, have combined and made it a ground for the narration in the novel. In addition, the novelist took care of rhythmicity in transmitting the themes.


المصادر والمراجع
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