Document Type : research article


Assistant Professor in African and American Studies and Coordinator of the Arabic Language Program at the University of Kansas


Arabic videoclip songs have a strong presence in Arab societies. They also have a strong influence on younger generations. They show negative images and gender stereotypes. There are not many studies on how Arabic videoclips represent Arab women, specifically linguistic studies combined with the study of the role of the recorded picture in creating images and sending messages related to women’s role and status in society. Using a qualitative method, this study investigated how women are presented in Arabic video clips. That is, a linguistic analysis of the meaning and connotations of the songs was done. To explore the image and gender stereotyping, both recorded image and scenario were studied to have a thorough analysis of the images that the songs aim to associate with women. “Si Sayed” song (a patriarchal figure in the Arab world) by Tamer Hosni and “Tannura” (skirt) by Fares Karem were used as cases. The finding of the study revealed the old stereotypes associated with Arab woman as being sexual object, trivial and dependent who livs under the mercy of the opposite gender. It was also shown that woman is considered the source of seduction and corruption and depicted as Eve who caused Adam to fall. On the other hand, man is depicted as independent, decision maker and the one who has control over women. The Arabic video clips reinforced old inherited stereotypes associated with Arab women where their destiny needs to be controlled by men and reinforced a typical Arab man as the hero and the master of the house. The negative images created by Arabic songs affect women’s status in society. This study has some implications for creating awareness for gender stereotyping in the Arab world. The study has also implications for gender equality and balanced gender roles.


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