Document Type : research article


1 Assistant Professor in Arabic Language and Literature, Azarbaijan Shahid Madani University, Tabriz, Iran

2 Associate Professor in Arabic Language and Literature, Azarbaijan Shahid Madani University, Tabriz, Iran

3 PhD Candidate in Arabic Language and Literature, Azarbaijan Shahid Madani University, Tabriz, Iran


.The semiotic model of Michael Rifater is one of the first semiotic patterns that has specifically studied the literary form of poetry. In this model, much attention is paid to the literary ability of the readership and his reaction to poetry, and poetry reading is done at both exploratory and post-action levels. In the first level, the meaning and superstructure of the text are examined, and in the second level, according to the non-grammatical elements, the deep layers of the text and linguistic implications are analyzed. Resistance and love are the two main themes of Mahmoud Darvish's poetry, and he creates linguistic meanings in these poetic themes by using non-grammatical elements. He hides the main meaning and message beyond the apparent surface of words and consciously delays the understanding of the meaning of poetry. The present study tries to discover the accumulations and descriptive systems of Rita Ahbini's poem in a descriptive-analytical way and relying on the foundations of Michael Rifater's theory of semiotics of poetry, and to recite the structural matrix of the poem to the reader. Explaining the semiotic model of Michael Rifater and explaining the principles of resistance literature in Mahmoud Darvish's poetry and its hidden layers using the semiotic model are the objectives of this research.  Among the results of the reactionary reading of the poem there are several implications of the word "Rita" in Mahmoud Darvish’s works, who mixed it with the concept of homeland and eventually became the symbol of Palestine, and thus put a romantic theme in the service of the concept of resistance. The hypograms of this poem are well reflected in its structural matrix and show a picture of the situation in Palestine and the prospect of resistance



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    1. درویش، محمود : الاعمال الجدیدة الکاملة،