Document Type : research article


University of Kashan


Extended Abstract
1. Introduction
Shiite literature is a combination of Islamic thought and ideology which involves a purposeful and coherent discourse. Shiite poetry moderately incorporates literary devices and elements of fantasy whilst adorned with poetic precepts, the most significant of which is considered the eulogies. Within the contents of such poetry, the foundation of Shiite eulogy discourse is formed by the subject of “guidance”; as a result, realism is known as one of the outstanding properties of Shiite eulogy.
In the present inquiry, the authors have attempted to lay out a discourse analysis of eulogies within two poems written by famous Shiite poets, “Musaab Abdi Koufi” and “Abu Firas al-Hamdani”. These poets lived in two different historical periods; Musaab at the late Umayyad Caliphate during which, Shias were subject to severe suppression. On the other hand, Abu-Firas lived in the 4th century, a period in which Shias enjoyed more freedom. Undoubtedly, such a difference have had significant effects on their points of view in eulogies regarding the main subject of Shiism, i.e. Imamah.
2. Theoretical Framework
The theoretical foundation of this study is based upon the theory of speech acts in discourse. “Discourse” is considered as a fairly new term in linguistics which incorporates a set of texts that are linked together. As any text entails the information put forth by humans, the world of discourse mainly involves the entire events that are linked together in a social or lingual group. Given the discussion of eulogies in the present study, it can be pointed out that the discourse of the study is literary, with a distinctive feature of creativity in imparting poetic messages.
Similar to any human action, the position of language in analyses based on the speech acts theory is examined through the types of human actions realized by words and sentences. This theory was put forth by the prominent figure of language philosophy, John Austin. In his view, verbs are divided into two categories of “propositional” and “performative”. Then, John Searle expanded the theory offering a more diverse categorization for utterances which included: declarative, persuasive, accrual, emotional and statement.
3. Methodology
In general, by using the descriptive-analytical method within the framework of speech acts theory, the present study seeks to answer the following questions: What concepts constitute the speech acts present in these poems? In which of these poets’ speech acts, details are of more importance? Which of these poets’ speech acts involve more distinguished frankness of expression?
4. Discussion and Findings
In the poems examined in this study, poets have employed four speech acts; first are the declarative speech acts which include the poets’ own beliefs regarding the accuracy of their propositions. Through persuasive speech acts, the poets have attempted to influence the audience, persuading them to do something or vice versa, using imperative verbs, commendations, or questions. Using accrual speech acts, they have tried to demonstrate and highlight the certain promises concerning the fate of the ones who do not believe in the legitimacy of Imamah. The emotional speech acts of the poets in these eulogies are full of their diverse affections toward Imams. Therefore in the poems of “Musaab Abdi” and “Abu Firas al-Hamdani”, there are a myriad of verbs based on attention and intercession.
5. Conclusion
• The Concepts of “waiting and confidence” constitute the main theme of the speech acts used in both poems.
• In his declarative speech act, “Musaab Abdi” have used a set of literary devices to illustrate concepts such as taking precautions, longing for union, and failure; while the environment of Abu Firas’s declarative speech acts were filled with comfort and confidence.
• In his persuasive speech acts, “Musaab” highlights the concept of waiting once more as well as reminding the legitimacy of Imamah using historical intertextuality. Abu Firas on the other hand, chose to have a direct dialogue with the obstinate and attempts to highlight the inaccuracy of their beliefs and persuade them to accept the truth using verbs which entail notions such as humiliation and reprimand.
• The accrual speech acts in both examined poems attempt to confirm and assure the certainty in the occurrence of the divine torment to the obstinate.
• The emotional speech acts of Musaab and Abu Firas are divided into two parts; the first is concerned with immortality which is shown as the symbol of quenching one’s thirst. In the second part, Musaab asserts the aspects of hope and submission to revenge, while Abu Firas have attempted to introduce himself as one of the guided.
• In comparing the speech acts in the examined poems, the privacy of expression in Musaab’s various speech acts demonstrate the stifle space of Umayyad Caliphate whereas the frankness of expression in Abu Firas’s work shows the free political environment of his period.


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