Document Type : research article



Extended abstract
1. Introduction
In Arabic, words or letters that are considered to be Jazm particles affecting a present tense are divided into two general categories: Jazm particles affecting a single verb and those affecting two verbs. Abbas Hassan introduces particles such as Iza, Kayfa, lou, etc., which bear a conditional connotation, as a third factor for occurrence of Jazm (Al-nahv Al-wafi, 4th volume, page 331). However, other grammarians do not consider particles bearing a conditional connotation, which as can be understood from their title, guarantee a conditional connotation as Jazm particles and just mention them under either conditional category or as diacritics of verbs in the present tense. Following Jazm particle, conditional verb and response statements are mentioned which can be of the following categories:
1. Both the conditional verb and the response statement are in the past tense.
2. Both the conditional verb and the response statement are in the present tense.
3. Conditional verb is in the past and the response statement is in the present tense.
4. Conditional verb is in the present and the response statement is in the past tense.

1.1. Statement of the Problem
In Grammar books, Jazm particles are divided into two categories, but in Arabic one can see sentences where a verb which is majzum, does not follow Jazm particles which affect either a single verb or double verbs, but is placed after a demand (the author is referring to the Holy Quran). In such cases, and similar ones, grammarians and even rhetoric scholars have professed that when a verb is placed after a demand, it carries a conditional connotation, after which Jazm can occur (Sharh Shuzur Alzahab, p. 307; Sharhalrazi, p265; Mukhtasarul Maani pp. 141, 142). Among the sources that are available, only Ibn Aqil has propounded four theories in this regard, without explicating any of them. According to him, a majority are of the opinion that occurrence of Jazm after a demand is due to its conditional connotation while some believe it is caused by the sentence before the verb affected by Jazm. The latter group is divided into two camps: the first believe that the demand sentence itself bears the conditional connotation, acting as a pseudo-verb. The second camp attributes it to the sentence before the verb affected by Jazm, which acts as a conditional particle. The fourth group believes that Jazm is caused by imperative “L” (Sharh Ibn Aqil, 2nd volume, p. 15, footnote).
Nonetheless, it seems that those in charge of adding diacritical marks of the Quran bore this point in mind; however, they have not offered any explanations either in this matter. In the present study, we aim to investigate whether a demand verb can, directly, make its following verb majzum or a connotative conditional verb causes such a change.

2. Methodology
The methodology adopted in the study is an analytical one meaning that at first the collected samples are presented and then analyzed accompanied by the analysis and discussion of experts’ opinions. To this end, in addition to grammar, linguistics has also been used to prove the hypothesis.

3. Discussion
The present study investigates the issue at hand from two perspectives: grammar and meaning.
3.1. Grammar
Both the conditional verb and the response statement are affected by Jazm. At times when response statement cannot be affected by Jazm, fā’ is used in its place. In other words, fā’ as a Jazm particle is used when a statement response does not qualify to be affected by Jazm (Hame al-Hawame , 2nd volume, p.457; SharhIbnAqil, 2nd volume, 4th volume, p.31) and in case fā’, as a causative prefix, is used at the beginning of a present verb, the present verb becomes Mansub , given it is used before fā’ as negative or demand prefix. If a demand verb is present, conditional particles and conditional verb take a connotative meaning which undergoes ellipsis.
If the above mentioned rule is accepted, fā’, which is used as a prefix for response statement should adhere to fā’ which is used as a particle for response statement, whereas, fā’ used as demand response is causative and invalidates the case of connotative conditional; hence, it is not a response to the connotative conditional but a third factor for creating Jazm, which is demand and affects the verb. This issue can also be investigated in terms of syntagmatic and paradigmatic relations.

4. Meaning
The second case for proving that demand itself is a cause of Jazm, is that of meaning. When a sentence is uttered in conditional form, it conveys optionality in essence; however, in the case of specific demands issued by the God for his servants there is no optionality.
Another reason for proving, through meaning, that demand is a cause of Jazm, is the case of final result. In a conditional sentence, the result is not obligatory; that is if a conditional verb is present, the response statement which follows, semantically, is not the result of the condition while if we accept that demand itself is a cause for Jazm, there is no need to consider connotative conditional since a cause and effect relationship exists between the demand verb and its following verb which is affected by Jazm. Another proof to corroborate the mentioned issue can also be mentioned as follows.
What is affected by Jazm in response to a demand cannot always be considered as a connotative conditional, as the meaning, taking into account the connotative conditional, will not be correct. Connotative conditional holds true in some cases, not in all, and since a rule must always apply, there can be another reason to prove that a verb in response to a demand is directly affected by Jazm without taking connotative conditional into account; therefore, demand is the third case for Jazm.

5. Conclusion
What is at our disposal from grammarians’ assertions is the culmination of years of selfless efforts made by previous grammarians; however, since the totality of science is known only to God, every effort and attempt made to answer scientific questions through reasoning would be valuable and it would even be much better if such reasoning is done with reference to His assertions. The present study, via dealing with a grammatical issue or more specifically causes of Jazm, tried, through using verses of Quran as a refrenece, proffer a third, independent case for Jazm in present verbs, i.e. being situated after a demand verb, which can be validated either linguistically or through grammatical rules and meaning.

Keywords: Demand, Jazm particle affecting a single verb, Jazm particle affecting two verbs, third case for Jazm, Present verb.

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