Document Type : research article


Ferdowsi University of Mashhad


Extended Abstract
1. Introduction
In order to prove and confirm the rules of syntax, the grammarians paid great attention to the evidences taken from the Holy Qur'an and Arabic poetry and prose. The classic Arabic poems especially the poems of Jahili period are among the most important references used by grammarians to justify and edit morphological and syntactic rules. There are some doubts about the authenticity of the poems in Jahili period but they do not endanger the reputation of these poems. Syntactic rule-making has always required one or more examples from poems and proses, so that the syntactic theory could be transformed into a grammatical or generalizable rule. Otherwise, the belief and syntactic theory were rejected and they were no longer used by grammarians. Linguists, especially grammarians, collect poetry and prose from the early syntactic books so as to confirm their statements about Arabic grammar and theorize about syntactical schools. This poetical heritage has been transferred by the narrators from one generation to another and there have been some narrators who used to forge the poems; however, there have always been some creditable narrators who have been familiar with the style of the poems and were able to distinguish authentic poems from inauthentic ones.The aforementioned poems were later regarded as poetic evidences in Arabic terms. The scholars' concern for syntax in different eras of history and their pursuit of poetic evidences led to the poetic reference in the process their studies for collection, categorization, and analyses of the findings. That is why the early grammarians referred not only to poems, but also to the verses of the Qur'an and the eloquent Arabic words for the foundations of syntactic principles

2. Methodology
The present study is descriptive-analytical and the data is obtained through a library study. The methodology begins with mentioning the most important sources of citation; further, some criteria for verifying the authenticity of the poems by grammarians will be proposed, and in the last part, these criteria are applied to Jahilian poems in order to recognize to what extent these poems meet the above-mentioned criteria.
3. Discussion
Referring to classic Arabic poetry and the words used in all primitive Arab tribes was common for about several centuries, to the extent that the grammarians paid such great attention to the primitive Arabs' eloquent language, poems and the study of the Arabic language as though the Bedouins' poetry and remarks were the only valid and reliable resources to verify syntactic rules. Therefore, thanks to these efforts, they were able to correct the urban Arabs' verbal slips of tongue, including the urban jurists, linguists, authors and poets.
The poetic evidence gradually attracted considerable attention and found an outstanding position in the early writings of linguists and syntactic Arabic books.
Soon, these poetic evidences turned into an integral part of syntax. The major achievement of this study is to show that poetic evidences are regarded as the basis of the grammatical rules and they have had a fundamental impact on syntactical rule-making.
In this regard, Jahilian Poetry, according to its historical background, is one of the most important determinants for the grammarians and is of particular importance.
4. Results & Conclusion
The present research has tried to impartially examine the validity of citations taken from Jahilian poems, and to express the position of the grammarians against this concept.
The scientific achievements of this research are as follows: By determining the temporal range of the citations, it is found that, from the grammarians' point of view, the more we approach the contemporary era, the less credibility and attention the poems have gained and the older the poems, the more credible they are. The grammarians have always tried to refer to a poem of known poets so that their theories about syntactic rules would not be questioned for such reasons as anonymity of the poets. The grammarians have always emphasized the importance of the poet's originality whose poems they refer to and have been mostly looking for noble Bedouin poets. Arabic syntactic rules are not only proved by poetic evidences, but also confirmed by verses of Qur'an. If the grammatical principles of Arabic poems and proses are based on Qur'anic structures, they will gain more credibility and value.
Doubts about the authenticity of Jahilian poetry which were pinpointed by Arab critics or orientalists do not diminish the creditability and historical value of these poems. The existence of these narrators and lots of other proofs insure the validity of these poems. However, some rules like Eghva and Tashif in some of these poems disparage the poems of this period. If they did not have such imperfections, they would have become more valid.



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