Document Type : research article


A Faculty Member of Payam Noor University, Lorestan, Iran


Ghada al-Samman is an Arab poet and writer who reacted in her poetry against the wrong beliefs and ideologies of community. This study aims to use Norman Fairclough’s critical discourse analysis to reflect on the most important issues of Arab community in Ghada al- Samman's poems, explaining the relationship between poetry (as a text) and society at three levels: description, interpretation, and explanation. It was found that women and homeland are two of the most prominent issues of Al-Saman’s poems. They are depicted with a critical look at the history and cultural context. In his poem collection, Al- Samman tries to address the most important problems of women, the male-dominated culture of society, and the everlasting wars in Arab world and its effects on people's lives by taking a ridiculous and critical approach. Protesting on the political and social conditions of society, the critical look at the status of women and the cultural context of the society about women are two of the most important issues of al-Saman's poems. This study aimed to answer two questions: What are the most important social issues raised in Ghada Al-Samman's poems based on Norman Fairclough's theory? How was she able to convey these topics using words? The study showed that the poems of this collection are the result of her own experiences, reflections, and thoughts about war and its harmful effects on the lives of people in society, especially women. Gender, ethnicity, and homeland are among the most important themes that Al-Saman has paid attention to.


The Holy Quran.
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