Document Type : research article


1 Associate professor in Arabic Language and Literature, Ilam University,Iran.

2 PhD Candidate in Arabic Language and Literature, Kermanshah Razi University, Iran Received:


Abbas Mahmoud Akhad is one of the leaders of the school of Romanticism in Egypt, relying on the principles of Romanticism and the use of natural phenomena, has depicted events and events that had many negative effects on her personal and social life. This research with a descriptive-analytical approach, examines the elements that Akhad has used to express its pessimistic views in this field, along with their causes. The results show that factors such as the failure of love, the arrival of old age, the death of loved ones and the unfurtunate events that occurred for the land of Akhad led to the emergence of pessimism in his poems. The poet's bitter experiences in the context of the world of love and romance have caused her to express her inner feelings by taking refuge in nature and its manifestations. Having spent the bitter days of her youth, she likens her ruined life to a tree that withers its green leaves, a sign of life, hope and youth. He sees oppression as pervasive; But because he finds himself powerless against it, he expresses his thoughts by composing glorious poems, but it is an ointment for his pains. The dominance of the pessimistic view over the idea of belief has led to calling an element such as soil, which is a symbol for the protection of the homeland, oppression, which cruelly leads young people to the brink of death. The use of natural phenomena such as spring, sun, moon, stars, desert, soil, birds, etc. is a characteristic feature of those poems of this poet that are dominated by pessimism.


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