Document Type : research article


1 Phd Candidate in Arabic Language and Literature, Persian Gulf University, Bushehr, Iran,

2 Associate Professor in Arabic Language and Literature, Persian Gulf University, Bushehr, Iran.


One of the most common concepts of the capitalist society is the "problematic hero" whose lifespan does not exceed a century. This concept was first proposed by the Hungarian critic Georg Lukács in the 20th century and continued by the Romanian critic Lucien Goldmann. According to them, the mutual relationship between literary and social structure has made literature a means of responding to social issues. In the realistic novels of capitalist societies, some people's adherence to real principles has made them problematic. The hero of this type of novels, who is often from the general public, is marginalized by criticizing the society that lacks true values.The purpose of this article, which was written with a descriptive-analytical method, is to analyze the mentioned novel from a sociological point of view, relying on the concept of "problematic hero" and comparing it with Lucien Goldman's opinions. Since the aforementioned novel has deep sociological layers and by analyzing them, a better critique of the Kuwaiti society can be achieved, the necessity of conducting such a research becomes more apparent.The result of this research indicates that Muhammad, as a problematic hero, adheres to real ideals such as trying to correct social corruption, reviving true values, respecting the opinions of opponents and standing against the conspiracies of enemies.And he is in conflict with the implicit values of the society, such as seeking power, and he does not have the ability to solve this conflict, and he is placed on the margins of society in a way, and finally, this conflict results in his removal from society with death.


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