Volume 15 (2023)
Volume 13 (2021)
Volume 12 (2020)
Volume 11 (2020)
Volume 10 (2019)
Volume 9 (2018)
Volume 8 (2017)
Volume 7 (2015)
Volume 6 (2014)
Volume 5 (2014)
Volume 4 (2012)
Volume 3 (2012)
Volume 2 (2010)
Volume 1 (2010)
research article
Linguistic essays in the ode "Atbeq Doji" composed by Mohammad Mehdi Javaheri With the approach of phonetic, lexical, syntactic de-familiarization

Hojjat Rasouli; Abolfazl Rezaei; Seyyedeh Firouzeh Hosseini

Volume 14, Issue 3 , December 2022, Pages 1-25


  The effort of poets to present a magnificent literary text, both in terms of language and content, is valuable. Many poets, using a variety of aesthetic methods, have differentiated their poetic language and thus have left the greatest impact on the audience. Mohammad Mehdi Javaheri is one of the poets ...  Read More

research article
Expressionist Manifestability of the structure of language and meaning in the poems of Aishah Arnaout

Ali sayadani; Parviz Ahmadzadeh houch; Amir Farhangdust

Volume 14, Issue 3 , December 2022, Pages 26-45


  Among the many ways of attitude to existence and its interpretation, Expressionism must be considered a unique approach. This method, which is non-imitative in nature, does not describe events as they seem. The writers and artists of this school present the superficial forms of events in their minds ...  Read More

research article
The Problematic Hero in The Novel "When a Man Thinks" By Khawla al-Qazwini Based on the theory of Lucien Goldmann

Mahin Zohairy; Mohammad javad Pourabed; Naser Zare; Rasoul Ballawy

Volume 14, Issue 3 , December 2022, Pages 46-66


  One of the most common concepts of the capitalist society is the "problematic hero" whose lifespan does not exceed a century. This concept was first proposed by the Hungarian critic Georg Lukács in the 20th century and continued by the Romanian critic Lucien Goldmann. According to them, the mutual ...  Read More

research article
Using the elements of nature to describe pessimistic thoughts of Abbas Mahmoud Aqqad

Payman Salehi; Mehran Masoomi

Volume 14, Issue 3 , December 2022, Pages 67-83


  Abbas Mahmoud Akhad is one of the leaders of the school of Romanticism in Egypt, relying on the principles of Romanticism and the use of natural phenomena, has depicted events and events that had many negative effects on her personal and social life. This research with a descriptive-analytical approach, ...  Read More

research article
Investigation of emotional relationships in two novels "Anna Ahia" and "Adat MiKonim" based on Sternberg's love pyramid theory.

Vajihe Vajihe Soroush; Jahangir Aَmiri; Ali Salimi; Yahya Marouf

Volume 14, Issue 3 , December 2022, Pages 84-99


  The common and common patterns of emotional relationships and attachment between people have been reflected in realistic stories, and the skill of the writers in presenting these patterns has made their writings more attractive and believable. Leila Baalbaki and Zoya Pirzad are contemporary realist writers ...  Read More

research article
Rhetorical analysis on the sorrow image in the Mohammad Al-Qaisi s poem

Maryam Aliyari; Abolhasan Amin Moghadasi

Volume 14, Issue 3 , December 2022, Pages 100-120


  The image, which is one of the four pillars of poetry in literary criticism, is a linguistic structure that the poet uses it to visualize his abstract thoughts and complex modes.This concept plays a prominent role in the resurrection of the word, both in the old literary criticism, which considers imaginary ...  Read More