Document Type : research article


1 Assistant professor in Arabic language and literature, University of Shahid Beheshti ,Iran

2 PHD Candidate in Arabic language and literature, University of Shahid Beheshti ,Iran


The sociology of literature is a vast body of knowledge that includes a wide range of thinkers and thinkers about the connection between a writer and his society. Therefore, literary studies through these thinkers' views are a reliable and necessary step in the field of literary criticism and analysis, and perhaps the result of academic research is incomplete without these studies. One of the sociological thinkers of literature is Lucien Goldman, who is the founder of a new style in this field. His style is Known as formative constructivism. He believes that a literary work results from the culture and the collective consciousness of the writer's class, age, or generation. Therefore, he sought to create a meaningful relationship between a literary work and the most important aspects of social life in his method. Naguib Mahfouz, the contemporary Egyptian storyteller, and novelist are one of the authors who seek to express the desires and the sufferings of their society and their social class in their works. Somehow, healthy relationships can be found between these works' internal and literary construction with the author's social class's collective attitude and consciousness during his studies by a genetic structuralism method. Among these works is the short story of "al-zaif" from his fiction collection "whisper of Madness."  To investigate the short story "' al-zaif" by the present study has used this thinker as a beacon. For this purpose, the short story structure explores two interpretation levels: receiving within the text, such as examining the semantic structure- and the descriptive level –that is, analyzing the story's social and cultural context. The research results show that the elements of the story have features that indicate the deep connection of the story with Najib Mahfouz's society and show that the story is the result of the world view and collective consciousness of the group to which the author belongs.


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