Document Type : research article


1 Professor of Arabic Language and Literature, Bu Ali Sina University, Hamadan, Iran

2 PhD in Arabic Language and Literature, Bu Ali Sina University, Hamadan, Iran


Literature has never had an epic meaning, an independent literary genre with specific rules and norms; But sometimes we come across poems and works with epic themes and components. These poems are mostly in the form of long poems, the epic theme of which can be seen in parts of these chants, especially when they are proud. But in the poets of the conquests in the early days of Islam, we sometimes come across ode and fragments with epic components; Among the poets of this style can be named Qaqa ibn Amr Tamimi. His poems, being scattered, are useful for recognizing some of the most critical Arabic epic poetry components. Arabic poetry as an epic is one of the most vital and challenging topics in contemporary research. While confirming the lack of long epic works in Arabic literature, this study has organized to prove some epic themes and dramatic and heroic anecdotes in Arabic poetry. Therefore, the present study has tried to explain and analyze the three essential characteristics of the epic genre in Qaqa ibn Amr Tamimi's poems, an Arab poet and fighter during the Islamic conquests descriptive-analytical method. The research results showed that the epic poem of Qaqa has essential epic components such as war and warfare. With all its epic features and the resonant epic style, the hero, growing up in a realistic and Islamic environment, lacks the characteristics of mythical epics such as magic, astronomy, the existence of strange animals and demons, and divination.


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