Document Type : research article


1 PhD Candidate in Arabic Language and Literature, Islamic Azad University, Mahabad Branch, Azerbaijan Gharbi, Iran

2 Assistant Professor in Arabic Language and Literature, Islamic Azad University, Mahabad Branch, Azarbaijan Gharbi, Iran

3 Assistant Professor in Arabic Language and Literature, Islamic Azad University, Mahabad Branch, Azerbaijan Gharbi, Iran



Critical discourse analysis is a systematic theory developed by Norman Fairclough that is highly effective for analyzing works closely linked with the social and political conditions of society. This type of analysis is also crucial for accurately portraying what is happening in society. The theory investigates the work on three levels: description, interpretation, and explanation. In the first level, the theory examines the vocabulary used in the work, while in the interpretation level, it focuses on the discourse conduct and effects of common or hegemonic discourses. In the explanation level, the theory reflects on social behaviors and how social issues are represented in the work. Shahad al-Rawi, a young and novice Iraqi author, wrote two significant works in the second decade of the 21st century. His primary work, "The Baghdad Clock," received praise from critics and readers alike. This study utilizes descriptive-analytical methods to connect the novel with present-day social and political issues in Iraq, particularly focusing on war and occupation stories from past decades. The study aims to provide a critical discourse analysis of the novel to explore how social conditions and socially-produced discourses influence agency. The paper seeks to investigate how war and occupation are portrayed in relation to emigration as a perceived opportunity for educated Iraqi citizens despite their love for their homeland. Exploring discourses within a work is socially and literally critical, thus this paper delves into analyzing "The Baghdad Clock." Findings suggest that the author incorporates formal elements reflecting social conditions impacted by war, occupation, embargoes, etc. Additionally, the study aims to elucidate and normalize emigration discourse as a preferred narrative shaped by societal agents.


Main Subjects

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