Document Type : research article


1 Lecturer at Islamic Azad University of Najaf Abad, Isfahan, Iran

2 Professor of the Department of Arabic Language and Literature, University of Isfahan, Iran


Literary art, one of the seven fine arts, has long been isolated from artistic criticism. While literary aesthetics traditionally focused on identifying rhetoric, this approach alone falls short in analyzing literary aesthetics comprehensively. The Gestalt theory, effective in critiquing various art forms, faces challenges when applied to literature despite its success in visual arts. To address this gap, we developed a method based on the Gestalt Audio-Visual theory, marking a pioneering step in literary aesthetics. This innovative approach draws from foundational fine arts principles to partially overcome rhetorical limitations and enhance understanding of textual context. Applicable across languages and literary genres, this method was tested through 30 prayer examples. We detailed the theory's inception, application process, and benefits in rectifying rhetorical flaws within text aesthetics. Fine arts concepts like Contrast, Perspective, and Optical Illusion were integrated into literary analysis to enrich interpretation alongside rhetoric. This groundbreaking theory has the potential to revolutionize literary artistry significantly.


Main Subjects

The Holy Quran.
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Doi: 10.22067/jall.v1i2.9938
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