Document Type : research article


Assistant Professor in Arabic Language and Literature, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Iran


The aim of this study was to illustrate a historical and revolutionary linguistic etymology of “Ostura” regarding the same other words as Persian “Estareh”, Hebrew “Estar” and Sami Aramic “Estar”, “Eshtar”, “Athtar”. There are various theories about myth and its function in the literature of nations and its influence in disciplines such as psychology, literature, criticism, religions and history. The study also depicts the connection between myth and Greek mythology and words such as story or history. The present research is different from other researches in terms of the recognition of the beliefs of western scientists about Ostura from a positivism evolutionary historical point of view and Darwinism historical process. In no other researches there is a clear and decisive view on the etymology of the myth, its signification, its true meaning at the beginning, and its place in ancient Iran and especially its connection with similar words. The results of the study show that since history has a close relationship with star and astronomy, Osturas are as well star mappings that represent the existence of resting stars in the very beginning of the history and also a recorder of the appearance of moving stars according to traditional human being. Therefore Ostura is found in a lot of star samples which are sun-born, moon-born or star-born. Moreover, it represents heavenly house of the gods and Ziggurats which are the eternal house of the immortal gods. This indicator is clearly seen in the name of the city which was built by Keyumars, that is, Babel (Bab+el/eel), which means Gates of the gods. 


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