Document Type : research article


1 Professor in Arabic Language and Literature, Shahid Beheshti University, Tehran, Iran

2 Associate Professor in Arabic Language and Literature, Shahid Beheshti University, Tehran, Iran

3 PhD Candidete in Arabic language and literature, Shahid Beheshti University, Tehran, Iran


The effort of poets to present a magnificent literary text, both in terms of language and content, is valuable. Many poets, using a variety of aesthetic methods, have differentiated their poetic language and thus have left the greatest impact on the audience. Mohammad Mehdi Javaheri is one of the poets whose poems are of great importance both in terms of content and structure.Although he has used most of his poems in the service of the political and social purposes of the homeland; but he did not neglect the formal beauties of the text. But the question is, what tricks has Javaheri used to highlight and perpetuate his poems? The present study has tried to provide evidence of lexical, syntactic abnormalities in the poem “Atbeg Doja"" based on the theory of de-familiarization and analytical-descriptive method. Jawaheri’s innate desire to use his aesthetic style and sensitivity in choosing words is an important factor in his poetic style. With his skill, he establishes coherence between the word and the content, and finally between all the components of the sentence, and finally, he presents a melodic poem in a beautiful style to the reader. The results show that a variety of linguistic techniques including phonetic, lexical and syntactic de-familiarity can be seen in this poem. The results show that many factors such as the rich culture of Jawaheri, his mastery of Qur'anic and religious texts, his familiarity with ancient literature and study of the works of the past and his extensive vocabulary allowed him to use techniques such as vocabulary, use the methods of repetition, presentation and delay, making new compositions, in order to highlight and differentiate his poetic language. By presenting such a style,


The Holy Quran
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