Document Type : research article



Adages and aphorism, notwithstanding their differences, are considered to be the most veridical of literary tools, revealing nations’ internal and external mentalities. As the garnish of words along with a means of bolstering the power of argument, they have been prevalent in all literary eras and constitute one of the major, precious branches of literate and are credible documents of bygone customs, culture, and traditions, through which forebears’ thoughts and opinions together with their ways of reflection and mentalities can be laid bare. Undoubtedly, among the symbols of every country’s culture, civilization and literature are its adages and aphorism or apothegms and sage sayings, exuding from the mind and thoughts of elites of science and literature or the common people of a land, spreading mouth to mouth, from one generation to the next. All the living languages of the world, specifically Persian, are replete with adages and aphorisms, each with its own specific sweetness and beauty, in its place, denoting opulent tastes, thoughts, and euphemism in rendering meaning, so much so that multifarious opuses based on nations’ and people’s culture have been penned. Adages and aphorism are, in fact, the very popular customs, traditions, and renditions, endued with anecdotes, religious teachings, hints, preaching, and advices, forming the basic structure of social, political, religious, and cultural life in human societies in the light of which, people and generations find their identity. Iran, with an ancient, historical background, is the land of adages and aphorisms and a


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