Document Type : research article



Extended Abstract
1. Statement of the Problem
In the era prior to the contemporary Arabic literature, long, epic poems, which are considered to be the first sparks of epic poetry, were composed. One of these poems, or maybe the very first one of them, is the long, renowned ode of “Ozrie” composed by Sheikh Kazem al-Ozri. The poet owes his fame, to a large extent, to this poem. In terms of literary classification, the long ode of Ozrie is placed within the category of religious odes. In classic Persian literature, poems such as “Ali Nameh” written by a poet with the pen name of “Rabi”, “Khavaran Nameh” by “ ibn Hisam Khusfi” and “Heydari Attack” by Bazel Mashhadi are considered among this category of odes. One of the issues which merits investigation in religious and non-religious odes is to analyze the epic features of such works, for they are, owing to their nature, replete with descriptions of their heroes’ bravery and warrior spirit; therefore, the present study aims to analyze the epic features in the long ode of Ozrie.

2. Necessity and Objectives of the Research
As the ode of Ozrie has been named “the great Ode”, a title which refers to its epic content and its hero’s courage and valor, it is incumbent to identify whether this work, from a technical point of view, enjoys the features of an epic and whether, from the viewpoint of an epic, poetic style, it has been able to have the intended influence on its audience. It is incumbent to undertake a study to depict these features and their function in Ozrie. To this end, the present study aims to portray the epic features of the mentioned work and analyze them.

3. Methodology
This study, using a descriptive-analytical and at times comparative methodology, has tried to present major epic features of Ozrie and analyze such instances as lofty, epic terms; music; epic meter; opponent's development; and epic hyperbole.

3. Discussion and Conclusion
Taking a brief look at this ode, we can propound that it has numerous epic features and factors such as epic description of heroes, opponent’s development, stupendous and extraordinary events together with lyricism and concepts of wisdom have added to its literary and epic facets. Following, brief descriptions regarding each of the mentioned issues are presented as summation and conclusion
1. With regards to the descriptions of the battlefield, the author has solely concerned himself with the description of the protagonist, his valor and courage, and has paid little attention to issues like description of other heroes, description of the battleground, details of fights, warfare, and etc. This exiguity of descriptions is quite evident, not only in comparison with renowned world epics, but also with some contemporary Arab epics such as “Eid al-Ghadir” written by Boulos Salamah. Of course, one of the strengths of Ozrie in this context is the utilization of “opponent development” technique which the poet has handled gracefully in instances such as descriptions of Amr-ibn Abdud
2. Among the issues portrayed in renowned epics “stupendous and extraordinary” events can be named which happen at hero’s or heroes’ discretion. In Ozrie's epic, instances of such events are presented which have added to the epic atmosphere of the ode. Events such as the miraculous cure of Imam Ali’s eyes (PBUH) in the battle of Kheybar and pulling the gates of Kheybar stronghold off their hinges are some examples which Ozri has been able to depict beautifully and nicely in his epic.
3. In the epic poems of the world, such as Shahname, Iliyad, and etc. trances of love and lyricism are abound, bestowing a unique glory to the stories. In the Ode of Ozrie, there is no lyricism in either a narrative or dramatic form; however, its romantic preamble, which constitutes forty-seven couplets, can replace it.
4. Through studying and analyzing Ozrie, it becomes clear that the poet has been able to incorporate the literary device of hyperbole into his work, making it even more epic through utilization of hyperbolic images and descriptions
5. Advice, counsel, and concepts of wisdom are among the issues that are present in epics and poets such as Ferdowsi have paid attention to. This feature can also be seen in Ozrie’s ode; he has interpolated many wise sayings in his poems, befitting various occasions, and they have added to the appeal and richness of his work.
6. Concerning the rhythm and the metrical line used in Ozrie it can be said that the poet has made the most of the intensity and starkness of Bahr-Al khafif. In couplets that carry an epic load and concern the descriptions of the heroes, he has added to the attractiveness and the epic dimension of his poem through techniques such as using epic words and terms (like Samsam (sharp sword) and QimQam (stableman)), words with signs of emphasis (Shaddah), repetition of words, various types of pun, conformation, alliteration, and etc.


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