Document Type : research article


Razi University


Gerard Genette considers the story as a "narrative message" and studies the story with a systematic approach By plotting the time pattern and determining the factors influencing the suspension and acceleration of a story from the point of view of time, he tries to assess the extent of the narrator's involvement in quoting a story and thus highlight the meaningful meanings and timeless times of the story.The story in the form of social Rmantsym with the aim of drawing the harmful consequences of poverty and deprivation in the lives of women and girls orphaned by the symbolism of nature is written.This article attempts to speed up the move by the time this story narrative and temporal patterning technique based on four Gérard Genette"In short, omission, interruption descriptive scenes" consider.The acceleration and inertia story Using a descriptive analytical method and based on examples of the story, the level of semantic interpretation of the story is shown using a structural analysis and answers to this question to what extent it has been affected by semantic intentions and what are the most significant reduction techniques and increased its acceleration? This is the story of two teenage birth to Martha, and the final night of his life is indivisible In conclusion, When the story first section of the high speed and acceleration and removal techniques and briefly had the most applications But in the second part of the culmination of the story counts, has been decelerating and Two techniques are described lag and display the main role in this decline had accelerated.


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