Document Type : research article


1 Assistant Professor in Arabic Language and Literature, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Mashhad, Iran

2 Professor in Arabic Language and Literature, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Mashhad, Iran


What may raise the question at the outset as to what connection there may be between the Ferdinand de Saussure, a twentieth-century Swiss linguist, and Ibn Khaldun, an eighth- and ninth-century Tunisian ideologue and theorist, which led to this Writing, should the idea of ​​comparing their views on language come to the writer.
Louis Ferdinand de Saussure was the first to examine language as a grammatical and lexical element of syntax and vocabulary. In his view, linguistic constructivism is based on the duality of the signifier and signified in language; In other words, the structure of language has dual aspects in his view; One is the language that he considers to be a general mental system, and the other is speech that has a physical and objective aspect. Ferdinand de Saussure was a Swiss linguist who propounded language as a social structure or, in other words, "The Public Knowledge of language" and discussion about it as a system with two separate elements; language and speech and also two methods Diachronism and Synchronism approach; Louis Ferdinand Sosor for the first time in the contemporary age and considered as a unique theory. However, this theory, to some extent similar, was formed by "Abdurrahman ibn Khaldun" a Muslim luminary theorist who propounded "The theory of mechanic and organic versatility in sociology and the philosophy of society about developed and undeveloped societies before Emile Durkheim.
First, this article wants to briefly propound some outstanding ideas in Sosor's theory and then assess their value according to Ibn Khaldun's words.


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