Document Type : research article


Associate Professor, Arabic Language and Literature, Islamic Azad University, Central Tehran Branch, Iran


This research is based on four copies of the ancient Persian translation of the book "Shahab al-Akhbar, the Prophet's (PBUH) short words," which includes 1000 hadiths; Has been done. These four copies have been published by Ermavi, Daneshpajooh, Shirvani, Joya, Jahanbakhsh, and et al. In this article, the linguistic and structural features of these four manuscripts belonging to the fifth to seventh centuries have been studied. Its purpose is to explain the grammatical features that govern them, including linguistic features and achieving ancient Arabic translation patterns to Persian.
The Arabic text of the book "Shahab al-Akhbar" has compiled ahadith based on the structure of Arabic sentences like the nominal sentence, verbal sentence, conditional with Man al-Shartiah, nominal with Inna, imperative verb, the verb of Laisa, detailed structure, the verb of Besa and also each is named as a chapter.
We have done this research based on extracting important lexical and grammatical features governing the studied translations. By explaining and comparing these four versions' translations, their linguistic features and translation style are expressed. In each case, as far as possible, according to the capacity of the article, examples are given. This research has been done to explain the patterns of translation from Arabic to Persian And linguistic and structural features of ancient Arabic to Persian translations based on the four versions of Shahab al-Akhbar that were the purpose of this study are described in detail. Based on this research, we see the dominance of Arabic grammar structure over ancient Persian translation



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