Document Type : research article


1 PhD Candidate in Arabic Language and Literature, Semnan University, Semnan, Iran

2 ant Professor in Arabic Language and Literature, Semnan University, Semnan, Iran

3 Associate Professor in Arabic Language and Literature, Semnan University, Semnan, Iran


The use of any literary phenomenon in poetry and prose is not in vain and without prior motivation, and the same is true about repetition. Repetition has become one of the clearest tricks for making news texts. Repetition also plays an important role in access to content of a text and the transmission of hidden meanings to the audience. It is a powerful strategic tool that makes the audience pay attention to the intended meaning of speakers or writers. This study analyzed the news texts of Al-Alam and Al-Arabiya channels by focusing on the role of repetition in highlighting meanings and its importance in drawing the audience's attention to specific meanings based on Van Dijk's theory. Al-Alam News Agency repeats words such as success, peaceful use and defense in its published news. Al-Arabiya also repeats such terms as non-peaceful, threat and extreme concern in its news, because putting words together in a news text creates a positive or negative image of Iran in the mind of the public. This research is important as repetition technique has been considered by various media in recent years for news related to Iran. The purpose of this media action is to convey a hidden message to the audience about Iran. So, the audience's awareness of the way of using this technique will increase their media literacy.


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