Document Type : research article
1 univercity of Mohaghegh Ardabil
2 University of Kashan
3 university of kashanu/ / Department of Arabic language
one of the basic foundations of every story is based on the element of time and basically the shape of every narrative is the drawing of events within the framework of time. But time confusion in narrating events sometimes replaces the usual and logical narration of the flow of a story. Sinan Antwan is one of the famous Arabic writers who by adopting the method of intertwining times in the field of novels and challenging the time of events have created a new style in disrupting the narrative of the present tense which is considered by many contemporary narratologists. In the light of this issue, the current study aimed to analyze the application of flashback technique in Al-Fahras novel and reading the effective factors in the time displacement in it based on descriptive –analytical method with relying to Gerard Gennet's theory of narrative time, which according to critics is the most complete theory in the concept of narrative time. In fact purpose of the article is to discover the causes of temporal instability and return to the past in the narrative. Naturally to explain the basics of the time component of Gennet's narration in order to understand the factors influencing on this time deviation and creating a suitable platform to easy reading of novel by the audience is necessary .The results of current study indicates that internal flashback indicator is the most obvious component of the temporal manifestations of the Al-Fahres narrative which in the shadow of motives such as sadness, fear , apprehension and the feeling of pleasure has been able to confront the audience with ambiguity in perceiving and discovery of the linking loop of time events by breaking the linear routine of time.
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