Volume 14 (2022)
Volume 13 (2021)
Volume 12 (2020)
Volume 11 (2020)
Volume 10 (2019)
Volume 9 (2018)
Volume 8 (2017)
Volume 7 (2015)
Volume 6 (2014)
Volume 5 (2014)
Volume 4 (2012)
Volume 3 (2012)
Volume 2 (2010)
Volume 1 (2010)
Number of Volumes 15
Number of Issues 35
Number of Articles 285
Number of Contributors 389
PDF Download 184,193
Number of Submissions 1,808
Rejected Submissions 1,244
Accepted Submissions 288

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research article Literary Criticism
Phenomenological reading of the ode of Nazik al-Mala'ika based on Husserl's theory (A case study of the ode of Shajarat al- Qamar)

Ali Pirani Shal; Zahra Izadi

Volume 15, Issue 4 , March 2024, Pages 1-19


  s.Edmund Husserl founded descriptive phenomenology with the aim of combating skepticism and relativism, advocating a return to "the things themselves" and seeking to establish philosophy as a valid science. The core of this method was to focus on phenomena and describe them without preconceived notions. ...  Read More

research article Literary Criticism
The characteristics of the Russian formalism approach in the book Ayar Ol-She’r of Ibn Tabataba al-Alawi

Hojjat Rasouli; Sheler Ahmadi

Volume 15, Issue 4 , March 2024, Pages 20-40


  The prominent Arabic literature critic of the 4th century AH, Ibn Tabataba al-Alawi, had a distinctive way of critiquing Arabic literature in his work "Ayar Ol-She’r." Unlike his contemporaries and predecessors, he focused on poetry as an artistic industry, emphasizing the structure and order of ...  Read More

research article Criticism schools
A sociological look at the encounter between self-other link based on Horton Cooley's Theory (Case study: novel of “I lead you to my other” by Aicha Arnaout)

Amir Farhangdust; Abdolahad Gheibi; Mahin Hajizadeh

Volume 15, Issue 4 , March 2024, Pages 41-59


   .The concepts of self and other in the modern era have undoubtedly diverged from premodern understandings. One effective approach to comprehend this connection is through the lens of sociological formulations. Charles Horton Cooley, a prominent American sociologist, offered a distinct perspective ...  Read More

Original Article Literary Criticism
Use of the character "Meysam Tammar" in contemporary Arabic poetry (Case example: the Poetry of Hassan Ale Hatit al-Amili and Jasim al-Sahayyeh)

Rsoul Khammar; Sayyed Mahdi Nouri keyzeghani; Abbas Ganjali; Hosain Shams Abadi

Volume 15, Issue 4 , March 2024, Pages 60-76


  In contemporary literature, poets, writers, and artists have shown a special focus on symbols in their literary works, such as poems, stories, and plays. One form of symbolism is the incorporation of various historical, religious, and mythological figures in contemporary Arabic poetry. A modern poet, ...  Read More

research article Linguistics
Ideological contrasts and synonyms of the ode to the will of life by Abu al-Qasim al-Shabi Based on the perspective of Leslie Jeffries

Rahman Navazani; Amirhossein Rasoulnia

Volume 15, Issue 4 , March 2024, Pages 77-95


  The creation of discourse categories, shaped by a particular worldview and narrative of the world, is inherently intertwined with linguistic processes. Confrontation and synonymy, as linguistic processes, play a significant role in shaping the worldview conveyed by texts. Leslie Jeffries (2010), a prominent ...  Read More

Original Article Semantics
The Semantics of Grice's four principles in Shahd al-Ravi's novel Saat Baghdad

Ezzat Molla Ebrahimi; Parvaneh Salehani Farsani

Volume 15, Issue 4 , March 2024, Pages 96-111


  The violation of norms and the avoidance of conventions significantly shape narrative structure and discourse induction. Works often rely on these deviations from norms and standards for their narrative structure and discourse. In this regard, Herbert Paul Grice's (1913-1988) theory of Cooperative Principles ...  Read More

Examining the Applied Meanings of Mazid Verbs in the Holy Quran (Case Study)

Ali Osat Khanjani

Volume 10, Issue 18 , February 2019, , Pages 37-64


  Extended Abstract Introduction Given its transcendental reality, the holy Quran has been verbally manifested in the material world as it was descended upon humans, forming a text written in human language which includes articles, nouns, verbs, and sentences. Clearly, the truth that lies within ...  Read More

The Psychological Comparative of Seght Al-Zand by Abul Ala Al-Ma'arri and Rudaki's Court Poet based on Max Lüscher's Theory

Abdolbaset Arab; Faeze Arab Yousofabadi; Seyed Bagher Hossini

Volume 11, Issue 1 , March 2019, , Pages 1-24


  Extended Abstract Introduction Comparative literature is an academic field dealing with the study of literature and cultural expression across linguistic, national, and disciplinary boundaries. Comparative literature performs a role similar to that of the study of international relations, but works ...  Read More

The role of cohesion and its beautiful effects According to Halidy and Hasan

Ali Piranishal; Soghra Falahati; Masoomeh Rabiee

Volume 10, Issue 19 , October 2018, , Pages 95-114


  Extended Abstract Introduction Maqamah is a type of literary text that has enjoyed a broad and pervasive position in certain periods of Arabic literature; a number of notable writers such as Badi' al-Zaman al-Hamadani, al-Hariri, etc. as well as Nasif al-Yaziji in the contemporary era have worked ...  Read More

Psychological Analysis of “The Negro” A Short Story from the Book: The Neighing of the White Steed by Zakariyya Tamer

Shahriar Niazi; Ovais Mohammadi

Volume 4, Issue 7 , February 2013


  “The Negro” is a short story written by Zakariyya Tamer the Syrian writer based on surrealistic principles and is affected by Freud’s theories of the psychoanalysis. The narrative type in this story is stream of consciousness and the style of writing is based on unconsciousness ground. Thus, the ...  Read More

Deciphering Symbols in Mohammad Afifi Matar's Poems using Register and Categorizing them based on Daniel Chandler’s Literary Theory

Seyyed Ali Mirhosseini; Seyyed Adnan Eshkavari; ali Aswadi; Houman Nazemian; Abdollah Hoseini

Volume 13, Issue 4 , March 2022, , Pages 40-62


  The main purpose of this study is to introduce Mohammad Afifi Matar as a poet and an author of several books who has a certain individual way of thinking and inciting poems which are all about using symbols and various rhetoric materials. He is one the poets who no longer use symbols in a literary matter ...  Read More

research article
Study and analysis of the concept of literariness and its components from Adonis's point of view

somayeh Bigghalejogh; shossein seyedi

Articles in Press, Accepted Manuscript, Available Online from 17 May 2022


  The concept of literariness and its components is one of the most contentious issues in the field of literary criticism, which has yet to submit a definitive and specific definition, despite the efforts of many critics and literati; Adonis, a prominent Arab theorist, and critic, is one of the few critics ...  Read More

research article Semiotics
Reproduction of the crypts of the poem "All the things in our time are ta'wada" (based on Roland Barthes' theory of the five crypts)

Golafrooz Mohebi; rouhollah saiiady; Amirhossein Rasoulnia; Abbas Eghbali

Articles in Press, Accepted Manuscript, Available Online from 04 May 2024


  Structural criticism is one of the analyses that flourished in the direction of meaning generation in the 20th century following Saussure's semiotics. "Roland Barthes" - a French semiotician and theorist - is among the critics of structuralism, the importance of his theories is in the pursuit of evolution ...  Read More

research article Linguistics
Functions of the Village in Mohammad Afifi Matar's Poem, Narrative Study in his complete poetry collections

Shahriar Hemmati; Hamed Poorheshmati

Articles in Press, Accepted Manuscript, Available Online from 12 May 2024


  The village has a great place in the path of contemporary narrative discourse and its narrative calling flaunts in the bed of ballades content and their sensitive images focal. Using various conceptual connotations, the village changes its functions in different situations based on the type of interaction ...  Read More

research article Literary Criticism
The image of women in the poetry of Abu Ala Marri and Khagani shervani

seyyed mehdi masboogh; Rasoul Fathi Mozaffari; Javad Mohammadzade

Articles in Press, Accepted Manuscript, Available Online from 28 May 2024


  This study deals with the position of the poets Abu Alaa Maari and Khagani shervani of women. That Abu Ala Marri was a poet blind pessimistic make it a modern pessimism indignant on the life of the world and their children, particularly women. The Khagani shervani, is of Persian poets, best known for ...  Read More

Original Article Semantics
Manifestations of social conflict in the novel “Adraka ha Al-Nasian” by Sanaa Shaalan, based on Lewis Coser’s theory

Yousef mottaqiannia; Abdolvahid Navidi

Articles in Press, Accepted Manuscript, Available Online from 01 June 2024


  Many researchers and sociologists have tried to investigate social conflict, its phenomena and results in human society. coser was influenced by Marxist thought and emphasized that social conflict arises when incompatible goals, whether tangible or intangible, collide. Since there is a deep-rooted and ...  Read More

research article Literary Criticism
The working woman in Khawla Hamdiy’s Novels (The Novel Youth Dreams... Diary of a Muslim Girl, To Stay, Jasmine's is back as a Model)

Mahmood Abdanan mahdizadeh; hasan dadkhah; Narjes Hashemi

Articles in Press, Accepted Manuscript, Available Online from 25 July 2024


  The Women are the entity of every nation and every civilization, and they are as sacred as men in terms of status and image. They ate the birthplace of humanity and the originator of its generations, especially if their cause is related to the novel. They are an indispensable icon, especially in the ...  Read More

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